Please use the correct form for submitting your product to the Colour Index™. Each product requires a seperate registration form. The 2 forms available are:
- For products that you feel are unique and should be granted a new Colour Index™ Generic Name.
- For products that have already been registered in the Colour Index™ by another company and so will not be given a unique Colour Index™ Generic Name.
While filling out the forms please read the attached notes to help with ensuring that the registration runs as smoothly as possible.
If you are registering for a new Colour Index™ Generic Name please ensure that you indicate whether this product structure should be kept confidential as the SDC cannot be held liable for disclosing such information if this is not indicated on the form.
Thank you for registering your products with the Colour Index™ and keeping it as the premium listing of colouring matter in the world.